"I am Google-able, therefore I am."
I'll admit it, within the modern dating landscape, I am highly dubious of anyone with no Internet profile. If a Google search for a prospective suitor turns up nothing, he immediately becomes a suspect individual. In fact, I may begin to seriously question his very existence. And I don't think I'm the only one. Anecdotal evidence garnered around a bar table at least, seems to suggest that "googling" prospective dates is not only no longer something to be ashamed of, it is recommended and standard dating procedure.
Perhaps paradoxically (perhaps not), I'm extremely nervous about exposing myself on the Internet. Unavoidable though it would seem to be. Initially, I even went to great pains to make this blog completely anonymous, which didn't stop the chair of the Playwriting department at school (who just happens to be Sarah Jessica Parker's brother) from coming across it. Highly embarrassing given the thinly-veiled origins of the site.
However, as graduation looms and my attempts to enter 'the industry' become imminent, the current man in my life (who judging by his passion for all things cyber-connected may be a founding investor in Google) is keen to help build my professional profile via the establishment of a 'web presence'. I guess the theory is, if you can't beat them, at least control the information.
Thus the counter on my newly imposed 'Google Desktop' tells me that I have 61 days to complete 'Project Over-Exposure', which includes my own website, facebook, flickr, myspace, youtube, wikipedia and any number of related groups through which I may 'aggressively market myself via the web'.
Now, call me old fashioned, but I can't help but cling to the notion that retaining a bit of mystique adds to an actor's allure, and ultimately to her effectiveness. I buy Helen Mirren, and I buy Emma Thompson, and I buy Jodie Foster as pretty much anything they choose to play. I don't buy Lindsay Lohan as anything but Lindsay Lohan... and to be frank, I'm not lining up to buy much of that.
Now, I realise that a bit of savvy self-promotion is a far cry from setting yourself up to be snapped panty-less upon arrival to an LA nightclub, or from getting arrested while driving home hammered afterwards, so I will comply and be very grateful of the assistance. But if I have my way, we will construct the dark sunglasses and floppy cap e-version of myself, rather than the Paris-Hilton-sex-tape version. That, I CAN control.
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